The EURASIA Quality Assurance Team prepared 7 QA reports on different aspects of ensuring the quality of EURASIA which represent internal project documents.

Report 1 – Analysis of the Evaluation at application stage and formulation of recommendations to the Project management for improving the workplan

Report 2 – Analysis of the workplan for WP Preparation with a special emphasis on the results of exploratory visits carried in the period of March-September 2018

Report 3 – Evaluation of the three long-term training sessions in Catania, Sofia and Krakow

Report 4 – Report on QA based on the internal evaluation carried out after approval and evaluation of the technical report

Report 5 – On the progress made in the project product and process implementation and aspects of quality assurance (Development of courses, peer evaluation, piloting, implementation of the 3 teaching modules; Completion of D2.6 Two rounds of training visits at program countries for HEI faculty from China and India and QA activities in relation to implementing WP 4)

Report 6 – Internal evaluation of the courses developed and piloted and their accreditation status

Report 7 – Internal evaluation of the results of the implementation of the online training courses in EU Studies and final review of the website.