
Learn about the European Union and engage in European studies – from understanding how the European Union works to its role in international relations, trade, business and cultural diversity.

Get hands-on experience by engaging with specific tasks, examples, opportunities for further enrichment by complementing your Bachelor or Master studies and enhancing your employability.

Finally, showcase all your knowledge and newfound skills by building a portfolio of the awarded digital badges and certificate.

Our Nanodegree

Our Nanodegree in European Studies includes three levels of learning in online environment and the accomplishment of each is validated by a digital badge:

Course digital badge awarded upon completion of each of the 9 courses

Nanodegree digital badge awarded on completion of 3 courses in one of the following thematic areas:

EU Law and the EU Itself Introduction to European Union Law

The EU Political System

European Institutions

Cultural and linguistic diversity of the EU European identity

EU Language policy

Intercultural Relations

International Relations of the EU, Business and Trade
External relations of the EU

History of European Integration, 1945-1992

EU trade and investment in Historic and Contemporary Perspective

Certificate digital badge awarded when 2 nanodegrees are completed

A QR code on each digital badge is individual. It leads to a url containing details about the respective course, nanodegree or certificate. The badges can be built in a student’s LinkedIn profile or added to a digital CV or portfolio.