The EURASIA steering committee consists а Chairperson from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and 8 members representing each consortium partner. The Steering Committee oversees the overall timely and smooth delivery of the planned activities and outputs, ensures that the project is managed effectively and efficiently and that all potential conflicts within the project team are […]
Anti-discrimination Law and the European Union (Spring Semester)
Course author and teacher: Professor Jhuma Sen O. P. Jindal Global University – India Anti-discrimination Law and the European Union (Spring Semester) EURASIA Thematic Areas: Business and Trade Number of Credits: 4 Level: UG and PG This course will introduce students to anti-discrimination law in the European Union through the legal framework of EU […]
Pricing of Products and Services in European and Asian Markets
Course author and teacher: Prof. Gaganpreet Singh O. P. Jindal Global University – India Pricing of Products and Services in European and Asian Markets EURASIA Thematic Areas: Business and Trade Number of Credits: 4 Level: UG and PG Pricing is the only ‘P’ of marketing mix that generates revenue for the organization, rest three […]
Migration, Economic Citizenship and the European Union
Course author and teacher: Dr. Sumeet Mhaskar O. P. Jindal Global University – India Migration and Labour Rights (Migration, Economic Citizenship and the European Union) (Spring Semester) EURASIA Thematic Areas: EU Law Number of Credits: 4 Level: UG and PG The European continent is confronted with the challenge of an ageing population combined with […]

Dr. Shashikala Gurpur speaks about the current trends and reforms in Indian higher education on the Interlace Podcast
The Interlace podcast episodes 27 and 28 present a discussion about India’s higher education system, internationalization of higher education and …

The EURASIA on‐line courses and nanodegree in European Studies
Authoring teams from the programme-country institutions perpared 11 online training courses to be …

EURASIA Summer School “China – EU Cooperation” (July 5-9, 2021)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies are jointly …

EURASIA Dissemination Conference July 2-4, 2021
The team of O. P. Jindal Global University, India, partner in the EURASIA project, in close cooperation with …

EURASIA Summer School for doctoral students and young faculty (14-19 June 2021)
The Institut Supérieur de Management (ISM-IAE) at the University of Versailles-St-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), partner in the EURASIA project, is ,,,

Inter‐university course “Political Dialogue between Europe and Asia – Perspectives for Diplomacy and for Academic and Cultural Cooperation”
he consortium is preparing to implement an inter‐university course on “Political Dialogue between Europe and Asia – Perspectives for ,,,