Step 1. Overview


In this unit we will explore in more detail the concept of European values.

Until now, we have put much emphasis on the analysis of what Europe means. We have said that whenever we talk about “Europe” (noun) or about something “European” (adjective) we are essentially referring to the subject that can be understood culturally (Europe as a sphere of culture), politically (Europe understood via the prism of the European integration process) and/or geographically (Europe as geographical area). These concepts – as we already discussed – are not mutually exclusive. They often coexist, although some aspects of ‘Europeanness’ may take priority – as is the case of ‘European law’ (referring first and foremost to the sphere of politics, but pointing towards certain cultural aspects as well), ‘European societies’ (term mostly concerned with the sphere of culture, but also referring to geography and politics) or ‘European (actually EU) certificates of origin’ (having clear geographical and also political connotations).

If you want to refresh your memory on this subject – please go back to the material included in Unit 1. Step 3.