The EU Political System
The course aims to introduce students to the study of EU political system, focusing the attention on the EU policy-making process and its main actors. Students will acquire a basic knowledge on the EU legislative, executive and representative sub-systems, on the inter-institutional relations as well as on the role of parties and interest groups. Moreover, they will learn about EU competences and main policy areas.
On completion of this course you will have got acquainted with the functioning of the EU supranational system and have a clear understanding of the multi-level system of actors and interests participating in policy-making. You will be able to recognize key concepts and be familiar with EU institutions, mechanisms and main policy issues.
Unit One. The EU as a political system
Unit Two. The inter-institutional relations: how institutions and subsystems interact.
Unit Three. The role of political parties and interest groups in the representation of interests
Unit Four. EU policy-making process
Unit Five. EU competences and main policies
Course Authors:
Prof. Francesca Longo and Dr. Iole Fontana, Catania University, Italy