Course author and teacher:
Prof. Sucharita Sen

O. P. Jindal Global University - India

The Evolution of Nationalism and Integration in 20th century Europe (Fall Semester)

EURASIA Thematic Areas: The EU Itself

Number of Credits: 4
Level: UG and PG


The course content was elaborated as a result of Sucharita Sen’s participation in the third EURASIA long-term training session held in Krakow, Poland on January 20th – February 2nd, 2019, and in a series of distance-mode consultations.

The course was peer reviewed and validated by Prof. Dr. Maria Stoicheva from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

The course is meant for students who are interested in Political Science and International Relations. It was accredited according to the relevant procedures at JGU as a cross-curricular elective course open to BA and MA programmes from various O. P. Jindal Global University schools. It was piloted with 13 students.

Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Envisaged teaching methods and techniques
• to trace the rise of nationalism in Europe in the 20th century and the redefining of nation-states that occurred through a split process of negotiation and conflict;
• to use philosophical and historical routes to gradually deconstruct the formation of these modern nation-states;
• to focus on the main catalysts that went on to create a strong sense of nationalism in Europe;
• to identify the political causes that led to thinkers and political actors to think in terms of the framework of nationalism, identity, etc.;
• to gain an insight into the major repercussions in Europe as a result of the rise of nationalism;
• to understand how the rest of the world reacted to some of the internal changes to European political formation;
• to address some of these fundamental questions by navigating through political history and connecting important events to larger theoretical questions regarding the cause of social association and identity formation;
• to understand the major project of regional European integration, primarily led by the European Union in the latter half of the 20th century by going deeper into the history of the debates regarding ethnic and civic nationalisms in Europe in the first half of the 20th century;
• to gain an insight of political debate in the second half of the last century in Europe to integrate more the ideals of civic engagement;
• to look at the tools used to construct ‘European Identity’ in order to override nationalist fiction and create greater harmony and cooperation within Europe;
• to serve as an excellent foundation for further advanced studies in the area but will also provide an inter-disciplinary outlook to the study of Europe by encouraging students from different schools (law, liberal arts, public policy and international affairs), to enroll and participate in class.
• to give students a nuanced understanding of how nation as an institution was co-created in Europe with this keen focus on regional cooperation;
• for students to be able to fully understand the nature of what is meant by, historically and politically, a European identity by bringing to the fore, grass-root views on peace and integration within the European Union
• for students to be able to better understand and make linkages with contemporary debates and issues in the European Union having gained this overview on major themes on nationalism in Europe;
• to familiarize students with some key political thinkers and philosophers of the 20th and 21st century in Europe who have significantly shaped intellectual debates on identity politics in the region. Finally, in keeping with the growing interest among student in European historical-political debates in O.P. Jindal Global University;
• to help students gain a strong foundation in the discipline in order to better grasp such specialised areas in the field subsequently.
• to encourage students to carry forward discussions on themes such as cooperation, identity, violence and European history, beyond the classroom to their own schools/ departments and organize debates or seminars on these topics to further strengthen interest in European Studies across schools in the university.
• Lectures delivered by course teacher
• Lectures delivered by notable guest scholars in the field
• Class seminars
• Student presentations
• Parallel reading groups