Deliverable 6.4 EURASIA project website
By 14.07.2021 the website was used by 8119 users in 21368 sessions. It was most intensively used in May 2021 by 1074 users. Expectedly, 31,51% of the website users were from India.
Deliverable 6.10 List of courses on ES to be accredited in partner countries
All the 53 courses (47 new ones and 5 updated) from the list have been peer-evaluated and validated, 31 have been piloted and all were submitted for accreditation at the respective partner-country HEI. They have all undergone the respective accreditation procedures and have become part of the official curricula in the partners from India and […]
Deliverable 6.12 Networking and promotion of EURASIA’s results among university governance at partner HEI and other HEI in the partner countries – internal project documents
The cooperation among the partner universities is institutionalized by signing bilateral agreements on promoting and implementing joint activities such as academic research, starting joint BA or MA programs, exchange of academic staff and students. Apart from accrediting the courses developed under EURASIA as compulsory, elective or cross-curricular courses, which are part of established study programmes, […]
Deliverable 6.11 Elaboration of guidelines for accreditation of courses at partner countries HEI – internal project document
Accreditation is a complex concept and wide-ranging as a practice, without one single denotation. In fact, national adaptations and practices vary considerably. Exactly for this reason, the workshop proved to be a successful activity. Institutional accreditation effectively provides a licence to operate. It is usually based on an evaluation of whether the institution meets specified […]
Deliverable 6.3 List of potential HEI in CH and IN that will teach the new courses and modules – internal project document
Based on the results of the project dissemination activities, experts’ monitoring and focus group discussions as well as the mass use of the online courses in European Studies a list of potential universities who would be interested in teaching the new courses and modules was compiled. It comprises HEIs in India, China and in other […]
Deliverable 4.5 Evaluation report
The report on evaluating the usability and effectiveness of the EURASIA online courses in European Studies is based on applying a pre-study and a post-study questionnaire, focus group discussions and Q-methodology. A publication in a reputable journal dealing with online educational solutions is pending.
Deliverable 7.6 Interim and final project reports
The technical and final project reports were submitted on time complying with the EACEA (currently European Education and Culture Executive Agency) regulations.
Deliverable 7.5 Project Management Committee meetings – internal project documents
Five Project Management Committee meetings were held during the project life – during the Kick-off meeting in May 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria, during Consortium meeting 1 in November 2018, in Catania, Italy, during Consortium meeting 2 in November 2019 in New Delhi, India, in April 2020 online (in place of the planned project meeting in […]
Deliverable 7.4 Annual stakeholders’ engagement reports – internal project documents
The aim of these reports is to provide information, practical guidance, advice and signposts of the state-of-the-art and the potential for wider stakeholder engagement in the project implementation. It provides the basis for making it more effective and beneficial for the partner organisations and their stakeholders in attaining the project general and specific objectives. Three […]