Course author and teacher:
Dr. Sudip Patra

O. P. Jindal Global University - India

EU financial markets: Impact of crisis and Brexit

EURASIA Thematic Areas: Business and Trade

Number of Credits: 4
Level: UG and PG


This course consists of two parts – the first part looks at the impact of financial crises and Brexit on the EU financial markets and the second one focuses on the financial system of Eurozone countries.

Students would focus on learning about the basic financial market structures in the EU: for example details of currency boards in Bulgaria as a case study, the operations of ECB and its relations with EU members, etc. In the second part students would be exposed to case study based or academic Journal based ideas on workings of financial markets in EU, objective being to develop quality research articles/ assignments.

In this second part of the EU financial market series of electives the course would delve into econometric analysis of data for specific topics, aiming at student research papers.

The course content was elaborated as a result of Dr. Patra’s participation in the first EURASIA training round held in Catania, Italiy on 22nd October – 3th November, 2018, and in a short training session held in Sofia, Bulgaria between 8-12 July, 2019.

The course was peer reviewed and validated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boryana Bogdanova from the Faculty of Business at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and specialists from the Bulgarian National Bank and state financial committees.

This course was subjected to the relevant accreditation procedures at O. P. Jindal Global University - India and was piloted with 69 students as a cross-listed elective course.

Learning ObjectivesLearning Outcomes Envisaged teaching methods and techniques
• basic financial market structures in EU:for example details of currency boards in Bulgaria as a case study;
• operations of ECB and its relations with EU members;
• various interrelated topics as highlighted in the draft outline.
• economtric methods and studies for the EU financial markets: impact of crisis and BREXIT.
• the limitations of policy making in current regime, and regulatory changes warranted: based on studies.
• exploring new methods of study needed in financial economics to understand the crisis and complexity of the financial systems.
• critical thinking ability and analytical skills developed: for example, econometric analysis;
• comprehensive knowledge of the current regulatory and policy making regime through studying technical papers;
• relevant skills in case study method and econometric studies through group projects.
• Analysis of journal articles based on the related topics.
• student presentations on topics such as currency board, ECB policy regimes, non-standard monetary policies
• Group projects
• Quizzes.