The course aims to introduce students to the characteristics and challenges of cultural, artistic and creative organization management.

Course Description
Course aims
The course aims to introduce students to the characteristics and challenges of cultural, artistic and creative organization management. To do so, students’ attention will be focused on the definitions of culture and the emergence of a cultural and creative sector; the characteristics of cultural products (marketing of arts and culture) and the economy of the cultural field. It will help students acquire basic knowledge about the sector to move towards an alternative approach to management, adapted to the cultural and creative sector.
Expected outcomes
On completion of this course students will have gained an insight into Arts Management, the Economy of the Arts, Arts Marketing. In addition they will have achieved a general comprehension of EU cultural policies and the EU cultural and creative industry.
Course overview
Unit One: From the notion of culture to the cultural and creative sector in Europe
Unit Two: The industries and actors that make arts and culture
Unit Three: Alternative economic theories? And then, what else?
Unit Four: Impacts of Cultural Activities: A Multidimensional Approach
Unit Five: Cultural and Arts Management: How to become a successful stakeholder in that field?
- Student code
- Student code
- Unit One: From the notion of culture to the cultural and creative sector in Europe
- Step One: UNESCO’s definition of culture
- Step Two: The various definitions of culture
- Step three: The cultural and creative sectors in Europe
- Unit Two: The industries and actors that produce arts and culture
- Step One: An understanding of the cultural and creative industries
- Step Two: A marketing approach to define the sector
- Step Three: The participants in these industries
- Unit Three: Alternative economic theories? And then, what else?
- Step One: Overview
- Step Two: Focus on three theories
- Unit Four: Impacts of Cultural Activities: A Multidimensional Approach
- Step One: The externalities of cultural and arts activities
- Step Two: The impacts of cultural and arts activities
- Unit Five: Cultural and Arts Management - how to become a successful stakeholder in the field?
- Step One: The emergence of a discipline
- Step Two: So what is Cultural and Arts Management?
- Step Three: Professionals’ testimonies
- Final quiz
- Final quiz
About Author
Charlène Arnaud (PhD) is Assistant Professor in Management Sciences at the Graduate School of Management (ISM), University of Versailles Saint-Quentin. Active member of the LARE-QUOI Research Centrе, she specialises in Territorial Public Management and Non-Profit Or-ganizations. Her research deals specifically with the cultural field and she has participated in the evaluation of projects national projects in this sphere. In addition to her academic work, she has been responsible for the MA programme “Management of Cultural and Arts Organizations” since 2015.